Monday, March 17, 2008

Soiree' in Yakima

Katie said if I didn't update my blog, she was going to get rid of my link of her blog. So, I'm being guilted into this. Guilt, peer pressure, whatever it takes, I need to update. So, here's some photos of the soiree' down in Yakima. What a great time we had. It was so much fun to get dressed up and have a night on the town. Katie did a spectacular job on the food (with the help of her slaves--me and Josie). :) Way to go Sabari's for organizing this. Looking forward to next year! The photo above is Katie's artistic side coming through. I told her it was a waste of time to do a 'beautiful design' on the plate and then place the appetizers on top. But, she felt much better knowing it was artistic and gorgeous. Now if it had been me I would have just dumped it on the plate. That's one of the differences in us..............she takes the time to do things beautifully and spends time on whatever she is creating, cooking, sewing, crafting..........and I just want it done. The world without 'Katie's' would be a boring place, non-creative place! ps Please don't delete my blog. I'll try to be better...please?


The Shirey Family said...

So you think you can flatter me into keeping your blog on my favorites.... :) well it worked.

The Ekstroms said...

Okay... im about ready for a new post....

Sabari folk said...

Alrighty need to update this thing!