View from the street.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm a loser!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
3 Things
- LEAVING THE NEST: Our resident birds have left their sad. One day Dave and I were watching the nest and Dave commented that the young bird looked like it grew 2 inches over night. A few days later it was out of the nest, resting on the beam and fluffing it's wings...the next day, gone! We've seen them flying around in the back yard a couple of times....mother and baby bird together. She's a good mommy, showing her baby the ropes.
- OBSERVATIONS: So, I can tell you that women on an average will ask what the heck happened to my face and men.......they look, take a second look and have this look on their face like they need to beat someone up. They NEVER ask what has happened to my ever-changing face. So, I've come up with my own assessments: women want to help me if I'm in an abusive relationship and men, they're afraid to ask because they feel like they might actually have to go beat up the husband that did this to me. It's been very interesting and if you don't believe me, put some makeup on and try your own experiment. :)
- YIPPEE!: We have officially started building our house! I know, I know I can't actually believe it myself. Sunday was our official start date. Dave has been busy over there getting ready to pour footings for our foundation. He put up our temporary power pole with our street address on it. He's such a great guy. Our kids are camping with Nana for a few days, so we're home alone with our dirt to play in. After work today I went and helped him and yes, got all muddy and dirty. It felt GREAT! Our blog will most likely become our house-building blog. I'm sorry if you will be bored, but for our out-of-town relatives, this will be great. Plus I can't help but brag on my awesome husband!
Here's our first picture of our dirt that will slowly become our home and our power pole. (Notice the address: 2009. Coincidentally that will be the year we move in!)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Shiner Day 3
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Shiner update
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New Life
One day I was washing dishes and looked out our kitchen window and noticed this nest that magically appeared overnight. So, we've watched our momma bird sit on her nest. About two weeks ago she started getting up and looking at the eggs and within a week we saw a tiny beak appear. We have been eagerly watching our new residents every day. The tiny bird has grown and now the momma is feeding it worms. Yesterday I watched her feed her baby a live wiggling worm! :) It's been our entertainment lately....."You guys, come here quick, look at the baby bird!" Today JD asked if he could try to shoot the baby with his airsoft gun when he/she starts to fly. "NO! You may not!!" I think he's around the hunters too know who you are. We do have one problem though....the momma is a bit slow or something because she keeps flying into the windows, leaving bird poop on the patio. So, if she's not careful, she'll be getting shot! Just kidding............
Monday, July 21, 2008
Too much time on their hands!
Josie's new dresser & nightstand
Friday, June 20, 2008
Kindergarten Graduation!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
'Mom Brag' about JD
- The 'Flashlight Award'-given by the Librarian to the students who have developed a LOVE for reading. She awarded them with a cool flashlight and encouraged them to read under the cover.
- The President's Achievement Award-for his achievement this year.
- Most Improved Student Award-given to one boy and one girl in the school. (I have the report cards to show it!)
We are so very proud of JD and his accomplishments and his diligence to persevere with his dyslexia. He has worked very hard these last two years. He has had a terrific tutor and outstanding teachers and one encouraging principal. We are encouraged and hopeful that he will continue to grow and learn more about his learning challenges. He has a great attitude and never gives up! We are indeed very proud parents and it is so awesome to see the benefits of changing schools two years ago.
Anyway, I was a bawling mom at the assembly and couldn't get a photo of him receiving his 'most improved student' trophy, but here's one of him and his buddy Kaleb with their trophies. Kaleb won the Outstanding Student Award! Way to go, Kaleb!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Soiree' in Yakima
Sunday, January 27, 2008
JD on his snowboard at Mission Ridge
Here's JD last weekend up at Mission Ridge. He's getting pretty good.
Luke Griffiths first walk
This is Dave's nephew Luke Griffiths. Dave, JD, Doug & Spencer Merrill went to Idaho and skiied at Silver Mountain a couple weekends ago and stayed with Dave's sister. This was Luke's first time at walking.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tracy's 40th retro party!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Yea, yea, I'm finally doin' it!
So, here's the photos we took when we surprised the kids with a new puppy.